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Right of cancellation

Delivery quantity / incorrect delivery

Visible differences in quantity must be reported to us and the transport service provider in text form immediately upon receipt, concealed differences in quantity within 4 working days of receipt. Acceptance of the delivery items from the transport service provider shall be deemed as acknowledgement and proof of correct quantity, proper wrapping and loading. Furthermore, the customer undertakes to notify us in text form within 14 days at the latest of any incorrect delivery made by us without the customer's order and to keep the delivery items ready for collection by a transport service provider to be commissioned by us.

Return deliveries

(1) Products and services (product catalogue) Products and services purchased in excess or incorrectly by the customer will only be taken back with our express consent and in perfect condition. A cost contribution of 20 % of the net invoice amount will be deducted.
Transport costs shall be borne by the customer, as shall any necessary reworking of the products and services. Damaged or non-reusable products and services will not be reimbursed.
(2) Order-related products and services (special products) All products and services not included in the product catalogue are considered special products. Order cancellation or return of such products is excluded.